2020.06.26 - 3845 km: SIBERIA (OIRT 68,86 Kolpashevo, Tomskaya Oblast') [video]
2009.06.04 - 3350 km: KUWAIT (97,5 Kuwait City, ~north Persian Gulf) [video]
2021.06.25 - 3274 km: MOROCCO (89,7 Marrakesh) [video]
2011.06.03 - 3001 km: MOROCCO (97,5 Rabat) [video]
As of 2024, my FM-DX-log contains nearly 2000 stations received via tropo, from 20 countries.
Here are my most distant tropo picks
1550 km: Pontop Pike, North East England (UK)
Inne warte uwagi DXy troposferyczne:
Najdalszy tropo DX na wschód: 1170 km Moskwa (90,3 Avtoradio; 93,2 Studio21 i in.) 20kW, pol.V - 10-10-2018, odb.=4-!
Najdalszy tropo DX na południe: 906 km Ucka, Chorwacja, płw. Istria (99,3 HRT HR1) 80kW@, pol.V - 26-08-2016 odb.=5!
Najdalszy dystans via airscateer (odbicie od samolotów): 778 km 98,5 Zagrzeb, Chorwacja - HRT HR2 - 120kW, pol. H
970km pomimo sygnału lokalnej stacji - 101,5 RPR1, Koblenz/Kuhkopf (30kW, pol.H) - 22-10-2012, odbiór na o=4 (wytłumione R.Zet Gold Warszawa, pol.V, 0,3kW@30km)
Odbiór RDS z kraju który praktycznie wyłączył już transmisje UKF FM: Norwegia 95.0 NRK P3, Lyngdal 50kW@1136km, pierwszy odbiór 17-12-2007; w 2015 odbiór o=5,RDS!
Odbiór nadajnika małej mocy: 0,5kW@911km: 91,6 Ukraińskie Radio, Bilopillya, obw. sumski, pol. V - [prawdopodobny ERP jednak 1~2kW]; pomimo semi-localnego Radia Zet Ryki 10kW@67km 10-10-2018.
Odbiór nadajnika stacji pirackiej: 100mW (0,1W=0,0001kW) @39km (Jump Radio 93,7MHz, ant J-Pole 16m npt., 29.09.2007); również: 2W@97km Tomaszów Maz, 100,7 MHz
European tropo FM DX record 2007-2016
Received during BIG TROPO on 17-18 December 2007
Since 2017 not my furthest tropo catch, but it still is my best because of the signal strength and endurance - it was there for over 2 days in a row!
Received during MEGA TROPO on 27th September 2017
My ODX appears at the end of this video (also including 1558 km Kalix, Northern Sweden):
(Yllas was mixing with a closer transmitter of the same station, but the "echo" of 2 txs is obvious)
27.09.17 tropo report (in Polish).
The same transmitter picked a little further, by my colleague Łukasz in Tomaszów Mazowiecki was a new Polish (and for a year a European too!) tropo FM DX record (with 1798km!)
Not the most distant tropo, but what a style! The path of the ducting crossed double mountain ranges! And the signal was quite strong too:
The most extreme tropo TV DX
Briefly at around 5pm I picked two analogue UHF channels from the UK! Initially I had no clue, because there were no logos on the screen. But at some point I noticed "five" and "BBC" on some captions during the programming. I couldn't receive the audio, because UK operated analogue PAL system with a different audio standard (not compliant with my tv set then) - instead both channels were showing with German audio. My biggest regret: back then, I had no camera to take a pic!
I eventually identified them as: Channel5 from London/Croydon on channel 37 UHF (1000kW); and BBC2 from Bluebell Hill on channel 46 UHF (only 30kW!) - both in color! They faded to be replaced by GER & NL tv stations again. The ducting continued into late evening, gradually losing strength.
Tropo ducting on October 10th, 2018 - I managed to pick 4 stations from Moscow then:
90.3 Avtoradio, 93.2 Studio21, 102.5 Comedy Radio, 107.8 Militseyskaya Volna
Norway with RDS! 95.0 NRK P3 - Lyngdal
My most distant RDS-quality reception.
More tropo FM DX records from Poland:
Do also check the fantastic achievements of my Polish DX colleagues: Konrad in Plock and Lukasz in Tomaszów Mazowiecki.
Konrad's logs are approaching to a total of 4000 received tropo stations, including UK, Italy and Dutch pirates with RDS - Yes, we are talking tropo!
Lukasz has fixed Polish tropo FM DX record with almost 1800 kms! (to Kolari, Finland). His log exceeds 3400 entries!